
Our Polish Adventure Begins...

We made it to Moscow in record time on Sunday and had a great time of fellowship with our friends, Olga, Nastiya, and Holly. When we went to bed, ME woke-up crying and was not able to go back to sleep until 2:30! We began our Polish adventure with 4 hours of sleep! Praise the Lord that there were no problems. We made it to the airport in 45 minutes, which is a miracle. With Moscow traffic on Monday mornings, it could have taken hours! We had 3 hours to explore the terminal. We made it to Kaliningrad with the 3 other missionary families traveling with us. A van was waiting to take us to Poland, but did not bring car seats, which is against Polish law to travel in privates cars without seat belts. So, we spent over an hour driving around the city looking for two car seats. To make a long story short, our 3 1/2-4 hour trip to our Polish hotel took 7 1/2! We are so thrilled to be here. Our hotel is very nice and the kids are having a blast. More details and pictures coming soon! Keith is looking over my shoulder waiting for his internet time. We will have very limited internet access.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hello, I hope you have a wonderful time in Poland a that you have some great time with family and friends. It sounds like it is already a fun adventure. We will be praying for you that God would bless your time there.