
Kristie's Muses...

CONFESSION: I am not exactly sure to what I am confessing...my hurt feelings, laziness, or acceptance of mediocrity or why I am writing my confession for all the World to read (OK, I know only 1 or 2 people will actually read this post HA HA!!!).

Last week, I went to a friend's house to meet some new people and study the Bible. As we were leaving, one of the young ladies offered to give me a ride home.

In the car, she asked how long I had lived in Yaroslavl.

I said a year and a half in Yaroslavl and 5 years in Russia.

She asked me if I spent all my time at home with my kids.

I said, "No, why?"

She said, "Because your Russian is terrible. After 5 years, you should speak much better than you do." OUCH!!!

I said...nothing, but sort of waited for her to apologize, which she didn't!

I know that my Russian is far from perfect and even on a good day, people still have difficulty understanding me. Actually many (more gracious) people have complemented my Russian. One person even asked if I was from Estonia. I thought that was a wonderful complement...I had moved clear across the ocean, into Eastern Europe, right next to Russia!

But, why will I always remember and spend so much time dwelling on the negative things that only a few people say (even though many may think HA HA!!!).

BLESSING: In Russia, a doctor will make a house call for less than $20...and occasionally for free. ME has a rash and a bad cough. I think our kids have had every rash possible and seem that someone always has a runny nose, cough or other form of bodily discharge :-).

Keith called our neighborhood Pediatrician and he came in 10 minutes! He stayed for almost an hour, wrote 2 pages of medicine and charged us less than $20!

The downside is half of what he said I did not fully understand and I have my doubts about 2 pages of meds for a possible virus infection! Please prawe will have wisdom to know what medicines to give her.
STRUGGLE: Gideon still really struggles with his preschool. Every morning, when we tell him that it is a school day, he begins the whining and drama! "I don't want to go to school! Why do I have to go to school?" I feel like I have to walk on egg shells caring pom-poms..."You can do it! You will have fun!" And the drama continues. Please pray that Gideon would love his preschool and would become good friends with his classmates.
He daily complains about one especially mean boy...please pray this boy would become Gideon's friend and be kind to Gideon.
Finally, the teacher's assistant is always sick or has a sick child. There is a darling afternoon assistant, Masha, who can not work in the mornings. This means Katya is left alone with 15-19 kids who range in age from 3-6 years old. OK, this is not only illegal, shocking and dangerous IN AMERICA, but I am daily reminded we no longer live in America! itive experience for Gideon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that I'm #1 to read it. :) Thanks for sharing your concerns, blessings, etc. It's nice to stay informed about you on a regular basis. Love you!