
The 2nd Day of Homeschooling...

We are officially in the third week of homeschooling and Gideon and I have spent 2 afternoons "doing school"! We got off to a slow start and then have had Internet difficulties, after our first afternoon. I am glad that our goal is only to "supplement"---whatever that means, the Russian activities he is doing in the morning at preschool.

Gideon did so much better today and actually asked me if we could do school! I so badly wanted to say, "after my nap" or "maybe tomorrow", but I grabbed a cup of coffee and said, "SURE!"

I have been made more aware of my many weakness during this new adventure in our lives, but God is good and basically all of the work has been done for me with the online curriculum. We are currently working on English, Math and Social Studies and will do the Bible assignments at night as a family. We are "opting out" of science and art...ok, honestly it is too much stuff to gather and do after all of the other assignments and we don't get started until after 2pm, when I really want to be napping and I am soo not artistic or scientific!!!

I have really enjoyed the Social Studies assignments...and had actually planned on skipping it as well. Right now the assignments are "All About ME!" Today, I interviewed Gideon. This is how it went...at least the funny parts...
Me: What is your favorite food?
G: Hot dogs...this was the only question that didn't take great amounts of time contemplating.

Me: Where do you live?
G: Here...very bright boy!

Me: What is you favorite sport?
G: I am not allowed to run. (I have no idea why he thinks this!)

Me: If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would you go?
G: Would you go with me?
Me: Yes, I would go and so would daddy and ME.
G: I would like to go to the Blue Mall. (The Mall down the street with video games and a big play place.)

Picture of Gideon in need of a haircut!

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