
No Suprises at the Sullivan House!

Gideon told us that he wants a red remote control car like Sasha has for his Birthday (AKA Christmas). ME, of course, then said, “I too, but pink!” (At Thanksgiving, Jill asked ME what she wanted kind of present she wanted for Christmas and she said “PINK!”) Yesterday, I was hiding in our bedroom wrapping the totally nice, all-terrian, red pick-up truck that we got Gid…when he walked in! His eyes got so huge and I told him, ever so kindly, to “Get Out!!!”

So, since this unfortunate turn of events, Gideon has been about ready to explode with excitement and I must not forget to mention…perfect!!! He has done whatever I have asked (no matter how silly or terrible HAHA) for fear that what he saw was really not what he thinks it is. I really hate for the time to come for Gideon to open his present and therefore bringing to an end Gideon’s perfect behavior. However, I am afraid that if we do not open presents SOON, Gideon might literally explode with excitement. His face has had a painfully huge smile plastered across it and you can feel the excitement oozing from him! Not to mention how I long for a moment of peace and quiet from the minute by minute questioning…”Mommy, how much longer until I get to open my present?!?”

Last night, I asked him what he had gotten me. He looked so shocked and frightened! He ran to daddy and said, “Did you get mommy a present?” Daddy told him, “Yes, a ___, but don’t tell mommy!” Gideon responded a bit too loudly, “A big radio!” And Keith mumble, “Shh, no a little one!”

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