
I Need a Hug & a Gun!

Pictures of Gideon's First Year of Life!

Tonight, Gideon began his journey into a new phase of life...the First Grade. Every Tuesday, for the next 4 1/2 months, all of the upcoming 1st Graders and their moms &/or dads will attend preparatory classes. The parents will learn about the school, what to expect...I have so much to learn, I can't even imagine what we else we will discuss...while the students spend time getting to know their teacher and other classmates.

I was really looking forward to a great time getting to meet Gideon's teacher (who will be his teacher for 5 years!), his classmates and their parents. I even put make-up on and clean clothes, I was so excited!!! Gideon, however, was not near as enthusiastic and even asked several times why we needed to go back to school..."because we had already been once today!" He told me that he didn't want to go to school and get smart; he just wanted to play all day!

After brief introductions, the parents said good-bye to their kiddos and we all went to our separate classes. I hugged Gid and told him that I would be right back. He smiled and said OK. A few minutes after my class started, Gideon's teacher came to tell me Gid had peed his pants!!! Poor Gid was sitting on a bench in the hall, covered in pee! When he saw me, he burst into tears!!! I never carry extra clothes for him anymore, but thankfully he had a pair of dusty, extra pants in his locker in the preschool. He hasn't peed his pants at school in so long!!!

Why did he have to have an accident tonight? I feel terrible for him. This is such an important and difficult time for him. The kids are at a sort of awkward age trying to declare their independence and make a place for themselves. Kids can be so cruel. I don't want him to be know as "The Boy Who Peed His Pants!" I want to protect Gideon, encourage him, teach him, help him succeed, and most of all see him happy. He has always had a hard time adjusting, making friends and wanting to go to school. I feel heart broken for him! After we changed, he just wanted to go home...and so did I!!!

Please pray for Gideon (and me, too!) as he prepares for First Grade. Pray that his teacher will be fabulous (I have already forgotten her name!), he will make great friends and will love school and learn all that he needs to know.

The reason for the gun...We have new neighbors who live next door to us. Their dog whines for hours and is totally annoying!!! OK, I really couldn't kill their dog, but maybe a Bee-Bee Gun would be nice!!! :-)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh---my heart was breaking reading that. I will pray for Gideon and his beautiful mommy.