
Our Prayer Letter...

Greetings!!! We wanted to take a minute to reflect on what has happened over the past few months and share with you ways that you can be praying for us.

For those of you who do not already know, we found out that Gideon has some kind of learning disability. It is unclear at this time what kind exactly or how serious it is. We are waiting to have him diagnosed at the Child Study Center in Oklahoma City. The wait for appointments there is very long, but we should know by the end of this month when he can be evaluated. We were planning on leaving back to Russia the end of July, but this will delay our departure a couple of months. We need to figure out what is going on with Gideon and how to best educate him before we can return to Russia. Pray that we get an appointment soon. Pray the Lord helps Gideon to develop according to His will. Pray we have wisdom through this process and make wise decisions regarding logistics.

We are so thankful that we have 2 houses to live in while we wait…one in Portales, New Mexico, a few minutes from Keith’s parents and the other one has been provided by Village Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. This is a huge answer to prayer and we are so grateful and excited!!! Our tentative plan is to spend August in Portales and September and October in Oklahoma City. Please continue to pray for us during this time of waiting and transitions. Pray the kids would adjust quickly and we would spend our time wisely. Pray that we would have wisdom in educating Gideon during this time.
After we get things situated with Gideon, we will begin the process to get new visas. This is always a stressful and uncertain process. Pray we would be granted permission by the Russian government to be able to serve where and as He sees fit. Please also pray that we would know what date to rebook our return tickets to Russia...they must be reissued by July 28th and we have no clue how long things may take.

We have just returned from the Missionary Learning Center in Virginia, where we had a great time fellowshipping with other missionaries from all over the world. The Lord continues to renew our heart for the Russian people and hope we can get back with them soon. As we wait, we have learned many things from God about what it means to trust him as the One who knows all things and is in control of all things.

We are getting ready to leave New Mexico for Floydada, TX where we will help with a children’s camp and then to Oklahoma to spend some time with family and friends. Pray for safe travels and rich opportunities to serve others.

We love and appreciate you!!!
The 4 Sullivans

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