
An Afternoon With Family...

After a totally fun morning, at a wonderful book store in Edmond with the Houk girls, we meet my sister and her family for a great afternoon!!! We ended up at our house, coloring and telling stories of our favorite memories while eating cheesecake!!! Thanks Aunt Leslyn, Uncle Doofus...I mean Greg and Trever for a great afternoon!!! We love you guys!!!

Doofus is defined as a stupid, incompetent person. It is a terrible word!!! I would never call anyone stupid!!! But, I do often use the word doofus. In my mind it means silly, annoying and maybe a tad uneducated in one's behavior, but never stupid!!!

This afternoon, Gideon found a book and wrote his name in it. He showed daddy and daddy said, "You made great letters Gideon, but it doesn't spell your name."
Gideon said, "Well does it spell doofus?"
Even though I had to laugh, I never want my children to think they are really a doofus!

Please pray that our sweet kids will not be eternally scared by their doofus mother and that I would stop saying that word!!!

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