
No Power

We forgot our computer cord in New Mexico, during our totally fun Fall Break trip. Sooo, we have been making daily visits to the library to check messages, the sad state of the economy and continue skimming through job listings. Honestly, other than the encouraging words from sweet, dear friends, these visits make me a little sick...let's just say now is not the time to be unemployed!!! Please continue to pray that we would have direction from the Lord regarding our purpose for being here. When need a purpose, we need a plan...and if those include an income, major medical, dental and trips to Russia would be fabulous!!!

I can't wait to post about the Ridgeview Olympics (Gideon got a bronze medal!!!), the progress he made this week in school and the reward he will get today for all of his hard work!!!

Please pray that we would rejoice in all things and that we would get our computer cord in the mail...2-3 days has now become 4!!!

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