
The 2nd Annual Thanksgiving With A Twist

We had a blast kicking off Thanksgiving festivities with our totally awesome Sunday School Class!!! We ate until we thought we thought we would burst (or at least I did!!!) and then acted like we were still in High School (no offense to those who still are) being totally silly, a little competitive (OK, it was cut throat competition!!!) Scavenger Hunt!

We loved hanging out with our friends,

making new friends (Angie from Colombia and Georiga from Nigeria),

and pure silliness!!! We went on a scriptural scavenger hunt...finding items that represented the given scripture references. Of course time was limited and interpretation was questionable, but I laughed so hard tears were running down my cheeks!!! I still think that scissors could represent a double edge sword!!! I love you guys and had a great time...even though it was sooo not a tie!!! :-)

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