
An Early Christmas Present

This morning, we were informed that some of our personal items, that were left in Russia will be arriving in the states (as close as Dallas, Texas) tomorrow!!! This is a miracle and could not have logistically worked out if not for the Lord!!! Please pray that all of the details would continue to fall into place, the Lord would be with our belongings as they pass through many hands (5 people just to get to the airport!!!) and most of all that the Lord would richly bless our sweet, dear friends that made this all possible!!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

How did you figure out how to get these things home? Did someone bring them back from a trip or ship them? We have 5 trunks at Rob and Donna's we are not sure when we will get back. Still trying to figure so much out. they had a sale last weekend and the 5 trunks of things were all that was left. Remembering you all. Patrick said he heard from Keith the other day. Miss you. Don't you want to come to KY? The guys could work doing something together and we would be able to go exercise and hang out together! Love you!