
Just In Case...

This is the season for giving, but also for wanting. It is the time to evaluate your wishes, make a list and "hope you have been good enough" to get what you asked for. We know that Santa does not bring us presents, even if we have been well behaved...I wish he did! We also do not encourage belief in Santa in our kiddos. We are not fanatical in our opinions of Santa, we just want to emphasis the reality of this very special season of the year. One family places an elf in their home that reportedly monitors their children's behavior and reports back to Santa and another family, experiencing financial difficulties this year, actually said, "My kids will not get Christmas this year" due to lack of presents. (Presents, or lack there of, was not the point of this post...coveting is!!!)

Back to making a list and checking it twice :-)...
I, honestly, have a very short wish list. We have been so blessed this year physically, materially and most of all spiritually. God has been so faithful to meet all of our needs!!! In this season of life (fast approaching 40!!!), it is rare I struggle with coveting...until yesterday! At the Green Waves season opener, of course, lots of pictures were taken!!! One of our dear friends and father of #17 was getting great shots, while my camera was operating as fast as dial-up internet!!! I must admit that my batteries did die during the game, but I still want a D-SLR camera...any D-SLR camera...I am not picky...I just want the ability to take instant pictures! However, I will settle for new batteries!!!

Here is the difference...in case you were wondering...however, I would be suprised if anyone is still reading!!!


Mine...OK, not a huge difference, but a D-SLR camera could take more shots to get more possibilities that everyone would be looking at the same time...not to mention the color of the D-SLR was better. But here is the real difference...

This is what I wanted!!!

This is what I got.

For now, I will just be thankful I have a great friend with a great camera!!! But, just in case Santa is reading this...not that I have really been all that good...now you know!!!

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