
Where Is Keith When I Need Him?!?

Our dinner conversation went something like this...
G: When you have a baby in your stomach, does it come out your butt or your mouth?
Mommy: Your butt.
G: How does it come out there?
Mommy: A doctor gets it out.
ME: The baby is in your stomach with all your food?
Mommy: Yes.
ME: When the doctor cuts you in half, does the baby get cut in half?
Mommy: No. Does anyone want ice cream?
Everyone: Yeah! Ice cream!!!
And end of discussion!!!


Redelsperger Family said...

Poor Kristie! Good answers...ha! ha! ha! Who says ice cream doesn't solve problems?

Jill Willeke said...

Well, it is about time for these discussions -- our first one came when you were pregnant with Emmy. How did that baby get into Aunt Kristie's stomach???? God put it there. But How?????? I guess I should have used the icecream distraction.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Love your creativity, Kristie! Ice cream for everyone! Your home looks wonderful and I so enjoyed our visit! Love, Anne

Janet said...

FUNNY! WE have had these discussions already as well, but our's are more of the how did the doctor cut us out of your belly? Did it hurt? Did you feel it at all? Thank goodness I had c-sections! At least I can buy a little more time before the other explanations have to come in. :-) Love you and miss you! I think I am able to talk instead of losing it ... So, we can figure out a time to talk... skype of phone you can tell me what is easier and we can use our vonage to call if you want us to. Sometimes I just can't talk to anyone because I am emotional about everything going on.

Anonymous said...