
Streams In The Desert...

Blessed are those whose strength is in you...As they pass through the Valley of Boca, they make it a place of springs. Psalm 84:5-6

Comfort is not given when comfort is not needed. We must travel the depths of emotion in order to experience comfort~one of God's most precious gifts.

Additional Information, not included in Streams of the Desert:

The New Living Translation (my personal favorite) says
Happy are those who are strong in the Lord,
who set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,
it will become a place of refreshing springs,
where pools of blessing collect after the rains!
Psalm 84:5-6

Praise the Lord it does not say they took up residence in the Valley of Boca, but only passed through!!! It is also interesting that they made (NIV) the Valley a place of springs...God did not do it for them!!!

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