
A Thanksgiving Adventure…

I love Thanksgiving!!!  It is a fabulous way to bring in the holidays!  Thanksgiving in the states is not the same as Thanksgiving overseas.  I know that it is an American celebration of the pilgrims survival of their first year in the states and therefore not celebrated in other countries, but very much celebrated by expats across the World.

Until last year, we had spent 7 Thanksgivings with our teammates in Russia.  Turkey was very difficult to find, pumpkins did not come in a can, stuffing was not in a box and rolls were not in the freezer section of the local grocery store.

My sweet friend Jill at The Willeke Wanderings wrote about this year’s Thanksgiving turkey hunt!  I miss the adventure, the hunt and the feeling of being like the Pilgrims…so grateful for turkey!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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