
First Day Memories…

Why do I do it?  Why do I look back?  Memories can be emotional.  We have had a fabulous summer nonetheless I thought I was past crying as I see my kids walk into the School doors.  Alone.  Without me.  But it did it.  I looked back…and now I am sad all over again!!!

2008~Gideon begins Kindergarten…in the States…in October.

September 2008 0021 

This was not our plan.  We were not ready.  Gideon was definitely not ready!

 September 2008 0051

But we fell in love with Ms. Cook, Gideon exceeded our expectations and the year was a huge success!!!

September 2008 0042

2009~Emme goes to Pre-K and Gid becomes a First Grader.


2010~Emme starts Kindergarten and Gideon begins 2nd Grade in Saint Pete, Russia.


And another year begins!!!


I pray this will be a fabulous year!!!

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