
I Think I Need Stitches...

"I think I may need stitches" is not something you want to here when you live in Russia (or time for that matter!) Last night, Keith was trying to fix something in the kid's room and cut open his forehead! It is a pretty big cut and blead for a while. He said, "I think I may need stitches, but I am not going to go to the doctor." I had to laugh at the thought of Keith coming home with half of his head shaved for a couple of stitches.

I had remembered someone telling me that you could use super glue, instead of getting stitches. Thankfully, we had a half a tube of super glue and it worked fabulously! It held the cut together, stopped the bleeding and gave his hair a nice hard spike! I think using the entire tube of super glue was a little much. When Keith stood up, he had super glue rolling down his forehead. When I tried to blow on it the fumes burnt my eyes and about knocked me out. Gideon was so sweet trying to comfort Keith and help with the emergency repairs!

I am sorry that no picture is available. On my way to get Tylenol for his headache, I asked if I could take a picture of his injury for the blog. Let just say he declined my offer!


Anonymous said...


Battle Maiden said...

hilarious...maybe I should put some on my thumb. I got a terrible hang nail.

FrazzMom said...

The ER doctors superglued my 10 year old son's hand last summer instead of stitching it... Much less traumatic- even here in the states!

It was good that you remembered that trick! Hope he feels better soon...

Anonymous said...

Kelli says - I use superglue on cuts all the time - even on the dogs. Hope you are okay.

Will You Forgive Me? said...

If it'll make you feel better Keith, I'll take you to the banya again and we can smack each other with some branches...of course, I'll aim low. I'll be lifing up a quick doctorless recovery, and I'm impressed at the willingness to drive, Kristie, I'd be much too scared to even try! Love you all, take care!