
The Gift Not Given...

The kids found a cute little baby kitten they named Sasha. They played with it all morning and thought it would make a nice addition to our family. I reminded them that daddy was allergic to cats, therefore we could not keep it. They suggested that we get rid of daddy and keep the kitten, but I said that we must keep daddy! I also reminded them that the kitten's mommy was probably missing Sasha, like I would miss them if some came and took them! My logic didn't stop the flow of tears, but Sasha is home with her mommy and daddy can rejoice that we did not give him a cat for Father's Day!!!

1 comment:

Jill Willeke said...

I bet Emmy could have talked Keith into keeping the cat!!! Poor kid. You know, if you get a hepa filter and Keith takes allergy pills every day. . . . just teasing