Friday morning on the drive to School, the Island we live on was dark. No traffic lights. All we could see were car lights. The intersections were chaotic. No sense of order. Horns blaring, cars swerving, people running to cross the street. We turned into the School that looked closed or even abandoned. As we entered, the hallway was filled with flashlights, candles and smartphones {such fun new technology!!!} lighting up the hall. The Elementary kids crammed into the Music Room and someone lead them in a few songs, while others tried to make a plan and locate more candles. Classrooms were filled with candles and the the staff of IA did an amazing job of turning a difficult situationation into a fun memory for the kids. Teacher’s read stories, played games and taught lessons. Emme’s class even had an optional “nap time” which Emme thought was so fun!
I tried to capture a candlelit teacher’s meeting…but it was so dark you could really only see the dim twinkle of the candles. The administration determined that if the electricity had not returned by 10, classes would be canceled. At 9:53 the darkness was replaced with light!!!
Emme said that, “This was the best day of my life!!!”